About Us

SONASHANKAR IT SOLUTIONS INDIA (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED is a software services company based in Karnataka, India. We are a rapidly growing information technology solutions providing company and are committed to being with you throughout your journey to be future ready. We pride ourselves as an IT consulting and software and App services providing company that predominantly is driving digital transformation that affects the lives of officials/people in the grass root level.  We are constantly challenging ourselves everyday to make the lives of those in the economically lower strata of the society better by bringing in transformational digital technologies.  We are continuously innovating to provide best in class IT consulting, software development, mobile app development, design services, custom products, support, and implementation.  Our solutions have empowered businesses to make the right decisions while focusing on their core business.

Our core belief is to add significant value to our client’s business by providing software services and products of the highest standards and continuously improving our processes to drive efficiencies. We are also passionately driven with enduring values such as Respect for human dignity and esteem, Empowerment, Empathy and Respect for personal aspirations.

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